Zachary Davis
My capstone project is clearly for educational purposes. At the start of this project, I had an extremely weak amount of knowledge surrounding Mass incarceration and the history that lead up to this point. I ultimately wish to explain how our current administration in office is fighting the wrong battle. They are using out-of-date rhetoric to suppress and oppress and completely unique generation. In the paper, I specifically focused on how we got to the point we are at as a country. With one of the least productive yet extremely popular criminal justice systems, I plan to look at more possible reform and re-education in my other parts of the project. Informing others about the issues of Mass incarceration (particularly of black men) is vital to creating a society where people who commit non-violent drug offenses are not being put away for 10+ years. I plan to also focus on rehabilitation and the re-entry to society, and what factors of everyday life make that process smooth or difficult.